Karlamar Associates is a market research company near Rochester NY
"I particularly enjoyed working with you during the design of the research. Thank you for your insights on survey design and suggestions on analytic methods.

Customizing your software to meet our requirements really made a difference.

Your dedication, attention to detail and conscientious follow-up at each stage of the research was greatly appreciated."
The University of Georgia
Marine Extension Service

Internet Research

Web-based surveys follow the same steps as other types of surveys in that they require you to design your research, determine and recruit who you would like to survey, write questionnaires, collect and analyze data and report results.

In user-validated web surveys, participants are emailed a survey URL and Password. They can either click on the link to the URL in the email message, they can cut and paste the URL, or they can type the URL into their web browser address field to take them to the survey site. At the survey site, they are requested to enter the Username and Password they were given to start the survey. The respondent then reads the instructions and answers questions by clicking on, or typing in, their responses. The survey responses are submitted electronically and the results automatically entered into a database.

Web-based Surveys
We have developed our own proprietary survey tools to best meet our client's survey needs, and offer a wide range of customizable capabilities such as:


Supported Description

Dynamic Branching or Skip Patterns

The path through the survey is determined by the answer to the last question. This directs the respondent to those questions that they are most qualified to answer.

Respondent Validation

Requiring a unique username and password to access survey, increases the likelihood that the person taking the survey is actually the person that was recruited to take the survey.

Question Types Supported

All common question types are supported including single and multiple response, numeric, open-ended text, scales, comparisons, rankings, and lists. In addition, we are able to custom program new question-types based upon client requirements.

Image/Multimedia Inclusion

The ability to include images, graphics, and/ or audio for improved communication of concepts.

Question and Response Randomization

Questions and response options are presented in random order. Eliminates question and response order bias.

Response Piping

The ability to use the answer from a prior question in the text of a future question.

Answer Verification

Ensures that all questions are completely answered with valid responses.

Value Calculation

Ability to calculate and validate numeric responses during the survey.

Multi-page Surveys

By presenting one question at a time, the respondent is unable to go back and modify their answers to try a different path through the survey.

Single-page Surveys

All questions are presented on one scrollable page. This is best suited for simple linear surveys without embedded skip patterns.

Automatic Data Collection

Responses are automatically entered into a database as the survey is completed. Eliminates errors introduced through transcription or data entry.

Monitor Online Results

Ability to view interim responses for feedback on the survey design, question interpretation, completion time and response rate.
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